Hello guys, Welcome to the first version of Catch me ( Visual Basic Game read Introduction ) Ok, Let's Start Open Visual Studio 2012 and Open new project 1. Program Design Stage Let's add the tools 1 PictureBox, 2 Button, 2 Label, 1 Timer In Picturebox1 My Image Choose any picture in my case I will choose this image Make Visible Property = False Resize it as you like I will make it (150,150) Don't forget to Change SizeMode to StretchImage Button1, Button2 In One of the 2 Button make it's Text property to Quit and the another make it Start Label1 In Label1 change the Text to your Description Label2 In Label2, Change the Text to "Time: 60s" without quotation put in the middle Bottom of the Form and 60s is the game time Timer1 Change the Interval This is the game Time Form1 Change FormBorderStyle to None Change the Size to 800,600 Change StartPostion to Centre of the Screen Ok Your Window Should be like th...