Ok, Let's start Open Visual Studio 2012
In this tutorial, You will learn
First, Simple calculator idea is very easy user will enter 2 number in 2 Textbox and She/He will choose one operation between multiply, divide, subtract, add and the result will appear in label
so we will need 4 Buttons, 2 Textboxes, 4 Label 1 For Result and 2 to Hint near Textboxes and one to write description
num1 = TextBox1.Text
In this tutorial, You will learn
How to make a simple calculator
First, Simple calculator idea is very easy user will enter 2 number in 2 Textbox and She/He will choose one operation between multiply, divide, subtract, add and the result will appear in label
so we will need 4 Buttons, 2 Textboxes, 4 Label 1 For Result and 2 to Hint near Textboxes and one to write description
1. Make a new Project File > New > Project, or From Start Page left sidebar press New Project.
Start Page |
2. Choose Visual Basic and WindowsForm Application as in Picture and Change the name
3. Put 4 buttons, 2 textboxes, 4 labels and change the text property as following
- Button1 →→→→→→→→ Add
- Button2 →→→→→→→→ Subtract
- Button3 →→→→→→→→ Multiply
- Button4 →→→→→→→→ Divide
- Label1 →→→→→→→→ Result
- Label2 →→→→→→→→ Num1
- Label3 →→→→→→→→ Num2
- Label4 →→→→→→→→ "Any Thin you want in my case I will write Welcome to Simple Calculator that made by ThinkFakar"
Program Design |
4. Ok Let's go to Coding window press Double click on Add Button (Button1)
The Main rule in Visual Basic is Control.Property = Value
Write this code
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim num2 As Integer
num1 = TextBox1.Text
num2 = TextBox2.Text
Dim result As Integer
result = num1 + num2
Label1.Text = result
End Sub
End Class
Ok Let's analyse the code
Dim num1 As Integer
Dim is a word to Define a variable
num1 is the name of the variable
"As" after it, you can find the type of the variable
Integer is the type of the variable
num1 = TextBox1.Text
This line means that PC will take the value in Textbox1.text ( The Number that User will enter ) and put it in variable num1
result = num1 + num2
In this Line, the PC will take num1 and num2 and it will add them then put it in result variable
5. Coding of Subtract Button (Button2)
The code
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim result As Integer
result = CInt(TextBox1.Text) - CInt(TextBox2.Text)
Label1.Text = "Result : " & result
End Sub
Ok Let's analyse the code
result = Cint(TextBox1.Text) - Cint(TextBox2.Text)
Ok, now we have a new Function Cint (Conversation Integer). It is very easy function that will convert any types to integer read about it more here so I save time instead making 3 variable I made 1 only Read More here
Label1.Text = "Result : " & result
This line will appear word "Result: " without quotation and the result
6. Coding of Multiply Button
The Code
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Label1.Text = "Result : " & (CInt(TextBox1.Text) * CInt(TextBox2.Text))
End Sub
As we see here we didn't use any variable
7. Coding of Divide Button
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Label1.Text = "Result : " & (CInt(TextBox1.Text) / CInt(TextBox2.Text))
End Sub
same Code as Multiply Button
We must learn from this tutorial that the code can be written in different ways and it do the same things every time
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Wait for me next tutorial how to make simple Game ( Catch Me )
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